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Hello! My name is Rhoda Nevyl Ojijo and I’m the founder of the Blessed Generation Charity CBO. You can read more about me at the end of this page. Let me now share the background of this program.

As the needs of children, single mothers and victims of poverty poverty kept climbing in my community, I felt the need to create a change. I watched members of my church go without even basic needs due to bad health, poverty and death. I had to do something! In 2017, I kickstarted Blessed Charity Home Program. I started the project with 30 kids and 20 widows. Currently, Blessed Charity CBO, has 60 children and 35 widows. 20 of these children come from a very poor background and 30 are either partial or total orphans. 

We get kids from their homes in the village due to negligence caused by poor living conditions in the child’s life. Some of the kids in the program are positive for HIV/AIDs and have lost their parents to the disease. They live with their grandparents who are not capable of caring for them.

A good number of these children have dropped out of school due to lack of food and cannot afford school fees, school uniform, and books/supplies. When it comes to the bigger kids in the program, lack of things such hygiene products, sanitary towels and underwear have caused them to drop out of school!

As founder of Blessed Charity Home, I decided to launc20 widows. h the Lunch Feeding program to help this kids get food and maintain their Health so they can go school. From the continued support of donations, hygiene products and underwear and bra are available for the bigger kids. This has helped promote a sense of security and confidence for the big girls during their menstral circle. 

We have experience an increase in the number of children presenting to the program due to the reasons mentioned above. Blessed Charity Home is growing quickly and this means increasing need for support.This has really help this children. The lunch feeding program will only succeed with more food donation. 

Rhoda Neveyl

During our meetings, we focus on teaching and encouraging the kids through spiritual care to promote wellbeing. 

We also ensure physical wellness through activities such as Football, dancing, Singing etc.

We also train the kids on the benefits of taking care of our environment and using what we have to take care of ourselves. This is attained through gardening where we grow vegetables and fruits such as spinach, Kale and tomatoes.

My goal is show these kids that there is hope beyond their current situation. I want to see the lives of these Kids transformed through the word of God and to reach out to others with their new stories. I want every child to live a positive and Healthy life.

Please help me give these kids just that!

Kids in class.

Who we are

Blessed Generation Charity CBO is a Christian organization that is registered with the ministry of labour and social protection for in Kenya.

The CBO was set up in the year 2017 to identify and support orphans, vulnerable children (OVC), widows, and Adolescent girls by providing food, education, and promoting/nurturing talents using sports and life skills training for children and widows.

We are located in Migori Kenya.

CBO = Community Based Organization. OVC = Orphans and Vulnerable Children.

What we do

OUR VISION: to support OVCs and women by providing support and empowerment through education, talents and skills acquisition.

OUR MISSION: To be a center of hope for the OVCs, and a rescue center for the girls and women who are going through Gender violence (GBV) and such as female Genital mutilation (FGM) and widows living with HIV /Aids for inclusive development.

OUR MOTTO: Touching lives changing stories.

OUR FAITH: We are followers of Christ and we do church in our CBO called Tent of meeting of all Nation (TMAN).

Widow recieving Christmas donation.
Children with donations.

We need your help

The purpose of this web page is to reach out to donors, sponsors and wellwishers with what we are doing for the beneficiaries.

All are welcome to support this vision come to fulfillment.

Who is Rhoda?

Rhoda Nevyl Ojijo, was born and raised in Chemelil, Kisumu County of Western Kenya. She is a sixth born in a family of eight. She did her early schooling in Chemelil Primary School (1992-2000). She then proceeded to Mawego Girls school for her high school, (2001-2004). After two years, she joined Patana Training College in Mombasa for Certificate in Counselling and Social Work. Later she joined Kisii University (2021 to 2023) for Diploma in Project Planning Management. She has been trained by the Liverpool Training Institute on Financial Capability, Gender Based Violence as a TOT, Sexual Diversity and HIV Testing Services. Other professional trainings include: Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Secretarial with Liverpool and Patana Training Institutes respectively.

Rhoda had a vision in 2006 for a project of supporting the vulnerable in the society. Consequently, in the same year, she began the project with 30 kids and 20 widows. She began with little donations of clothes, shoes, sanitary towels and books for the kids. Since then, the project has grown and she supports over 100 children most of whom are total orphans together with over 46 Widows who have always found a home in her well thought idea Blessed Generation Charity.

Rhoda with widows.

Today, Rhoda continues to live her hope and desire of true service to humanity and enhancing enabling atmosphere to those who yearn for the same. In her endeavours, Rhoda is passionate, down to earth and highly motivated lady who believes in the strength of genuine service to humanity. Despite the ever mushrooming challenges associated to the nature of her
services, she has remained true to her mission and calling, always hoping to partner with everyone of good will and joining the ever neglected path of service and sacrifice.